Nose Surgery
Nose surgery (Rhinoplasty) is a procedure to reshape the nose in order to create a more pleasing look and, in some instances, to correct severe breathing problems. With approximately 400,000 operations performed each year, rhinoplasty is considered the most popular cosmetic procedure in the United States. Rhinoplasty usually involves reducing the size of the nose by removing and sculpting the nasal tissues in order to enhance the facial appearance. The results are unique to each individual, and depend upon such factors as skin condition and thickness, nasal and facial structure, genetic contributions, and age. Traditionally, a “nose job” was performed only to correct major problems. However, recent surgical innovations allow for individuals to benefit from more moderate improvements from the procedure as well. In general, having nose surgery provides the patient with a better facial balance and overall appearance.
Reasons for Considering Nose Surgery
Bring a better proportion to the nose.
Reduce the width or length of the
Correct an overly arched or "Roman" nose.
Re-form a crooked or elongated nose
Correct injuries, help breathing, treat deformities from birth.